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Resultados del Torneo Oficial 2018 “Gobierno de Entre Ríos-Secretaría de Deportes”



16ta Fecha (7ma de las revanchas)   -Etapa Clasificatoria-


Zona Norte

Independiente FBC (0): C. Puig; M. Romero, P. Aguirre, M. Fernández, A. Schneider; G. Guillén, R. Schemberger, T. Miño, S. Benítez; L. Aguirre y A. Godoy: DT: Nicolás Lapuente.

Juv. Unida (1): E. Ramírez; R. Ramírez, N. Leinecker, G. Gómez; F. Zamora, M. Donda, J. Herlein, D. Espinoza; J. Larrea, J. Baigorria y J. Müller. DT: Gerónimo Moro.

Cancha: Dr. Federico Cocco de Hernandarias. Gol: Diego Espinoza. Amonestados: M. Romero y Guillén (I). Müller (JU). Cambios: en Independiente, N. López por Schemberger, F. Cardozo por Guillén y C. Colona por Godoy. En Juventud: D. Ramírez por Espinoza, A. Rodríguez por Baigorria e I. Gómez por Rodríguez. Arbitro: Gabriel Ibarra. Sub 20: 3-0   Sub 17: 2-2



Dep. Bovril (1): L. Wiggenausser; N. Heit, P. Barrios, M. Guichard, J. Lescano; F. Luque, A. Espinoza, G. Rodríguez; C. Medina, S. Brittes y A. González. DT: Martín Núñez.

U. Alcaraz (1): D. Franco; J. Santinoni, F. Moyano, J. Boyero, Ma. López; O. Racig, F. Rodríguez, D. Leones, M. López; R. Marín y E. Martínez. DT: Omar Celis.

Cancha: Antonio Boleas de Bovril. Goles: Andrés González (DB) y Federico Rodríguez (UA). Expulsados: Alexis Lescano (DB) y Axel Godoy (UA). Amonestados: A. Espinoza (DB). Rodríguez, López y Segovia (UA). Cambios: en Deportivo, B. Martínez por Luque y A. Olivo por Espinoza. En Unión: A. Godoy por Martínez, A. Vega por Santinoni y J. Segovia por Rodríguez. Arbitro: Gastón Freyre. Sub 20: 1-1   Sub 17: 1-0



Juv. Sarmiento (4): A. Jacob; G. Grandolio, M. Acosta, S. Irrazabal, M. Llanez; L. Figueroa, Ge. Acosta, G. Alarcón; D. Velásquez, K. López y N. Barrios. DT: Rolando Céparo.

Dep. Tuyango (0): D. Flor; F. Vera, D. Mansilla, E. Maidana, E. Gómez; M. Albornóz, S. Heninn, G. Ellemberger; E. Gómez, L. Cacciabue y M. Ridolfi. DT: Lucas Rosalez.

Cancha: Sarmiento de Hasenkamp. Goles: Leandro Figueroa-2-, Kevin López y Germán Acosta. Amonestados: G. Acosta y Alarcón (JS). Gómez y Ridolfi (DT). Cambios:en Juventud, A. Benítez por Alarcón y G. Acosta por López. En Deportivo: E. Silva por Cacciabue, L. Ellemberger por G. Ellemberger y A. Mansilla por Vera. Arbitro: Fabián Balbuena. Sub 20: 2-0   Sub 17: 3-2



U. A. Cerrito (2): R. Correa; A. Catelani, M. Wolosko, E. Tomassini, L. Richard; E. Zampieri, E. Benítez, Mi. Benítez, D. López; M. Schmidt y I. Aguilar. DT: Omar Verón.

Atl. Hasenkamp (1): J. Valentinuz; L. Cepeda, G. Ziegler, N. Schiebert, C. González; S. Severnich, F. Llanez, L. Ruiz Moreno; B. González, A. Seita y D. González. DT: Raúl Guarascio.

Cancha: Agrarios Cerrito. Goles: Iván Aguilar y Nicolás Borghello (UAC). Alejandro Seita (H). Expulsados: Andrés Catelani (UAC) y Germán Ziegler (H). Amonestados:Wolosko, Richard, E. Benítez, Tomassini y Schmidt (UAC). C. González, B. González, Severnich, Seita y Ruiz Moreno (H). Cambios: en Unión, N. Borghello por Schmidt, A. Palacios por Aguilar y J. Robles por Mi. Benítez. En Atlético: J. Godoy por Ruiz Moreno y J. Chapino por Llanez. Arbitro: Juan Hernández. Sub 20: 0-1   Sub 17: 3-0



LIBRE: Atlético Hernandarias.



Posiciones: Juv. Sarmiento 28; Cerrito 27; Hasenkamp 23; Bovril 19; Hernandarias y Juv. Unida 17; Independiente 16; Alcaraz 15 y Tuyango 6 pts.

Próxima (17ma fecha): Alcaraz-Hernandarias, J. Unida-J. Sarmiento, Hasenkamp-Bovril y Tuyango-Cerrito. Libre: Independiente.



Zona Sur

Atl. Litoral (1): N. Carrasco; L. Barrios, H. Ackerman, F. Zanin, C. OlgiattiO. Castañeda, G. Nárvaez, A. Páez, R. Ferreyra; C. Murador y L. Martínez. DT: Omar Werner.

Dep. Tabossi (1): F. Schmidt; L. Manucci, A. Peralta, W. Cardenia, E. Villanueva; M. Barisnaga, B. Landra, E. Springli, R. Troncoso; N. Barrera y L. Arce. DT: Claudio Racig.

Cancha: Beto Maín de María Grande. Goles: Claudio Murador (L) y Emanuel Villanueva (DT). Amonestados: Castañeda y Martínez (L). Vilchez (DT). Cambios: en Atlético, L. Ledesma por Ferreyra, N. Janowsky por Páez y V. Alvarez por Olgiatti. En Deportivo: M. Peralta por Springli, O. Aquino por Barrera y C. Vilchez por Landra. Arbitro:Roberto Lima. Sub 20: 1-0   Sub 17: 1-1



Atl. Sarmiento (3): N. Velásquez; M. Franz, V. Gassman, L. Repp, M. Espíndola; M. Zapata, C. Méndez, J. Zárate, A. Cantero; Mat. Gassman y S. Romero. DT: Nélson Schrooh.

Cañadita Ctral. (3): L. Alonso; F. Riquel, A. Stricker, G. Zapata; A. Metz, M. Servín, R. Morato, N. Riquel, J. Bustos; M. Holotte y W. Tabarez. DT: Ignacio Comas.

Cancha: Sarmiento de Crespo. Goles: Carlos Méndez, Matías Gassman y Facundo Albornóz (S). Aníbal Stricker, Misael Holotte y Walter Tabarez (CC). Amonestados:Romero, Stricker y Albornóz (S). G. Zapata, Morato y Metz (CC). Cambios: en Atlético, M. Stricker por Cantero, F. Albornóz por M. Zapata y Mar. Gassman por Zárate. En Cañadita: A. Floco por Metz, S. Ibarra por Tabarez y L. Sosa por Bustos. Arbitro: Mario Estecho. Sub 20: 3-1   Sub 17: 3-0



Seguí FBC (0): B. Sosa; M. Riquel, L. Sosa, G. Demaestri; M. Banega, N. Reyes, C. Restano, L. Lorenzón, M. Correa; M. Giménez y J. Martínez. DT: Diego Faisal.

Atl. María Grande (1): C. Bolzán; J. Spinelli, C. Schneider, E. Núñez, M. Vásquez; K. Lescano, H. Albornóz, L. Zapata, A. Bulay, L. Graciani; D. Graciani. DT: Mariano Franicevich.

Cancha: Seguí FBC. Gol: Lucas Graciani. Expulsado: Lucas Sosa (S). Amonestados: Giménez (S). no hubo (MG). Cambios: en Seguí FBC, M. Ludi por Demaestri, C. Meza por Martínez y M. Kliphan por Reyes. En Atlético: N. Jacob por D. Graciani y L. María por L. Graciani. Arbitro: Maximiliano Moya. Sub 20: 2-3   Sub 17: 0-3



Asoc. Cultural (1): A. Torres; F. Piray, I. Albornóz, M. González, L. Villanueva; A. López, J. Carruego, J. Torres; G. Medrano, M. Güitlein y E. Müller. DT: Roque Alfaro.

Atl. Arsenal (3): E. Fontanini; R. Hernández, A. Galliussi, L. Vogel, F. Olechart; F. Córdoba, D. Martínez, M. Schoenfeld; J. Bottegal, A. Burdesse y A. Schwaigert. DT: Hugo Fontana.

Cancha: Cultural de Crespo. Goles: Martín Güittlein (AC). Joaquín Bottegal, Agustín Burdesse y Kevin Santa Cruz (A). Amonestados: Villanueva, Piray, G. Medrano, Müller y M. Güittlein (AC). Olechart, Schwaigert, Vogel, Burdesse, Martínez y Landra (A). Cambios: en Asociación, J. Sánchez por Müller. En Atlético: K. Santa Cruz por Olechart, M. Landra por Schwaigert y I. Dalinger por Schoenfeld. Arbitro: Emanuel Yedro. Sub 20: 1-0   Sub 17: 2-2



Viale FBC (3): G. Brasseur; B. Nickel, G. Hernández, J. Rodríguez; F. Weimer, S. Simon, O. Vallejo, N. Segovia, M. Rodríguez; J. Alzugaray y I. Arellano. DT: Angel Rodríguez.

Atl. Unión (0): M. Gerstner; S. Fernández, J. Keiner, J. Pérez, A. Villagra; F. Schmidt, M. Goette, L. Schmidt; J. Deppen, D. Racig y M. Leicker. DT: Walter Friss.

Cancha: Viale FBC. Goles: Joel Alzugaray e Ismael Arellano-2-.    Expulsado: Jesuán Pérez (U). Amonestados: B. Nickel, Segovia, Simon, Alzugaray, Arellano y P. Rodríguez (V). Villagra y F. Schmidt (U). Cambios: en Viale FBC, L. Rodríguez por Brasseur, P. Rodríguez por M. Rodríguez y D. Correa por Arellano. En Atlético: C. López por Deppen, J. Zapata por Leicker y R. Romero por Fernández. Arbitro: Gabriel Damiani. Sub 20: 2-1   Sub 17: 2-1



Posiciones: Arsenal 35; Litoral y Viale FBC 29; Sarmiento 24; Cultural 21; María Grande 20; Unión y Cañadita 17; Seguí FBC 13 y Tabossi 10 pts.

Próxima (17ma fecha): Sarmiento-Litoral, María Grande-Tabossi, Cañadita-Cultural, Unión-Seguí FBC y Arsenal-Viale FBC.

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#Cronograma: Este jueves 1 de agosto iniciará el cronograma de pagos para la administración pública



El gobierno provincial informó que el cronograma de pagos de haberes de julio para activos y pasivos de la administración pública de Entre Ríos comenzará este jueves 1 y concluirá el jueves 8 de agosto.

Cronograma de pagos
Jueves 1 de agosto: haberes hasta 413.000 pesos.
Viernes 2 de agosto: haberes desde 413.001 pesos hasta 563.000 pesos.
Sábado 3 de agosto: haberes desde 563.001 pesos hasta 682.000 pesos.
Martes 6 de agosto: haberes desde 682.001 pesos hasta 875.000 pesos.
Miércoles 7 de agosto: haberes desde 875.001 pesos hasta 1.225.000 pesos.
Jueves 8 de agosto: haberes mayores a 1.225.000 pesos.

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How to Find Ideal Asia Wife



If you are one and want to look for a partner, you may consider finding a great Asian partner. However , this can be not simple method and can take some time and effort. So , before you start searching for your dream girl, right here are a few tips that can help you make the right decision:

Specify Your Preferred Asia Wife

It is essential to identify what your recommended Asian bride will need to look like. There are numerous considerations such as her nationality, education, faith, and more. After you have done so, you can focus your search for the best possible candidates.

A good applicant is a young and beautiful gal who has a whole lot of energy, passion, and attraction. She must have a sense of funny and a positive attitude to life.

Moreover, she needs to be intelligent and well-read. This lady should also have good ways and admiration her person.

She need to be loyal and love her husband unconditionally. This way, she is going to be a the case companion with respect to him.

End up being Romantic

If you want your Asian ship order wife to feel genuinely loved, you should show her just how very much you value her and treat her with work. It’s a great idea to give her gift ideas, phone her often , ask about her family, make flatters, and be romantic in every approach you can.

Be Patient

In cases where she is a beginner in English, you might need several practice and patience when communicating with her. You should become ready for differences in accents, slang, and also other cultural factors which may affect the way you communicate.

Meet Her in Person

Obtaining to find out your Asian mail order bride in person is among the most important facets of the relationship. You should step out and dedicate a lot of period together to create sure you’re appropriate for the other person.

You should also be honest with her and become upfront about your intentions. Using this method, she will don’t have any reason to doubt the sincerity.

End up being Respectful

Should you decide to date a great Asian better half, you should know that she will not really tolerate any kind of disrespect or sexual abuse. She will not gossip about her man’s girlfriends or additional women, and she could always be faithful and honest in her transactions with her husband.

She will end up being a great fan base and will support your efforts to improve your language expertise.

Be Sensible

In general, women of all ages in Asia are a little bit more in charge than Western women of all ages. They usually carry out their tasks without stressing or perhaps putting on excessive weight, and they are generally very careful once it comes to their personal appearance.

They also have solid values and believe that the family is the foundation of contemporary culture. They will perform their best to create a strong and content family, which is why they are in such high demand among guys from other countries.

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How to Get Foreign Females For Marital relationship Online



There are many solutions to find overseas women. The web is a person of the most extremely popular, and several websites out there that help you find the perfect match. However , it’s not always easy to choose the best online dating service. Below are a few things you should think about the moment selecting the most suitable site for yourself.

You will discover thousands of internet dating sites to choose from. When others might be a bad deal, you can also find a few that are worth your time and energy. It is a good option to choose a website that concentrates on your specific part of curiosity. For example , you may be interested in locating a mail order bride. A couple of specialized sites exist, and you will search for a suited site utilizing a Google search. Additionally , you can use one or two simple filters to narrow down your.

The web has made finding foreign women much easier than it used to be. Depending on your preferences, you can check for women from different countries, including China, the Philippines, Asia, Vietnam, and the US. Signs reasons why males are drawn to overseas ladies is that they are considered moderate and thoughtful.

In the Internet, the easiest way to find foreign women is always to look for a professional and legitimate going out with website. To do this, you can sign up for a free demo period and test out the services obtainable. Once you’ve signed up, it is a good idea to upgrade your account plan. This allows you to receive a couple of more credits and enjoy a number of extra features.

The Internet gives several positive aspects, mainly because this allows you to find an appropriate woman with the click of a button. Unlike a real life meeting, you can chat with a number of women within just minutes. Additionally, you can select your language of preference and possibly send them gifts.

Although the Internet has been tested as being a successful medium for finding females, it is even now not a straightforward way to find love. Especially if you are looking for a long-term marriage, it is important for making your choice thoroughly. You should also be careful of sites that have a high percentage of users right from a single country, as these are usually a scam. Lastly, you should do your homework before signing up. By reading up on the most popular dating sites, it will be possible to decide which is the best place for you.

Subsequently, you will not only find a way to find the most compatible lovers, but you should be able to find the latest and the majority eligible women in your area. Thankfully, most of these ladies will be eager to meet males from abroad. Besides, the cultural differences will be less likely to be an issue, compared to the standard western counterparts. Whether interested in a mail purchase bride, an informal fling, or an lusty contact, the world wide web has the back.

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